About Your Hand

Are you a spendthrift or miser?

Just press your right hand’s thumb away from other fingers. If your thumb bends down easily and there are a lot of gaps between each finger, then you are a spendthrift. It is highly difficult for you to save money.

Are you a spendthrift or miser?

On the other hand, if your thumb is stiff and not bending down, there are no gaps between the fingers then you are calculative in money matters. You will think twice before you touch your purse.

Lines which bring you riches 

Lines of Head, Heart and Life should be long and clear and without any blemishes. They represent physical and mental health which is essential to prosper in life.

Lines which make beggars 

It is also possible to recognize the lines which throw people into poverty. The following combinations are detected by me in the hands of beggars:

Most of the planetary mounts are low and depressed in the palm. The plain of Mars in the middle of the palm is also very low. If touched, we feel the nerves of the palm. This represents debts, litigations and obstacles in life.

The back of the hand is coarse and the fingers are short and crude representing unrefined thoughts and actions of the person.

The Fate line will be absent. If present, it will be unclear, shallow and cut by multiple horizontal lines. The same can be found for other lines. see figure 4 It represents financial losses or lack of earnings.

Combinations for wealth yogas 

When there is a line rising from Moon mount and reaching Saturn mount, the person rises in the life with the help of others. It also represents wealth from ladies, either from mother or wife.

Combinations for wealth yogas 

When there is a line rising at the middle of the palm, going to the Saturn mount, the person faces a lot of financial problems till his middle age. There would be financial troubles to his parents during his childhood. But he will achieve social status and become rich by his own efforts from his middle age onwards.

Combinations for wealth yogas

When the Fate line divides into three branches at the end and they are proceeding towards Saturn mount, Sun mount and Jupiter mount , it is a sure sign of great wealth, name and fame.

Heart Line

When the heart line is high up the palm, and if there are branch lines going upwards
it suggests you are a charismatic personality, highly sociable and well-liked. You are full of good intentions and your energy levels are the talk of your friends. However, it is hard for you to have a lasting relationship and the serious ones tend to slip through your fingers. You need to strengthen your love life with love amulets if you are looking for a long-term relationship.

When the heart line reaches the index finger, directly moving across the Mount of Jupiter 
it is a very auspicious indication, as it often suggests that your spouse will bring you plenty of auspicious luck. It also indicates that you are a very honest person, one who is faithful in relationships. The main snag in this is that you also tend to be easily influenced by those you trust. You should try to be more self-confident so you trust your own instincts more.

When the heart line dips downwards with many fine lines moving downwards 
it indicates someone who is unable to make up his/her mind about their love relationships.You lack the ability to decide and could end up losing out on some potentially promising relationships. You should strengthen your resolve and activate your peach blossom luck to help you enjoy a better love life.

When there are two or three cross lines intersecting the heart line
these signify obstacles to your relationships. It suggests an inability to concentrate on your loved ones and sometimes this also indicates that you and your loved ones could live apart for long periods of time.

When the heart line is extremely long
the indications are positive and suggest happy outcomes. You are a friendly person who does not attract jealousy, and many people of both genders admire you. It is likely that you have a soul mate with whom you will enjoy many happy moments and your happiness from love is limitless.

When your heart line is very short
the indications are less positive. You are difficult to get to know and people find it hard to warm to you, mainly because you tend to be very unfriendly. Unless you make a real effort to smile more and invest more effort into your relationships, you might end up lonely. If your relationship lines are also faint or missing, this lack of marriage potential is more pronounced.

When the heart line grows downwards
your relationships tend to be short-lived and are very easily broken. You find it hard to have a long and satisfying relationship.

If your heart line reaches to between middle and index finger
it suggests a person of good and sound character, a faithful lover who will enjoy success in love relationships. This person will rarely, if ever, be affected by love problems.

When there appears to be not one but two heart lines 
it is a very good indication. These lines suggest excellent relationship luck. Your marriage will be happy and prosperous. Your spouse is supportive and successful.

When your heart line is so long that it reaches beyond the Mount of Jupiter
it suggests you are a very jealous person. You fight for what you believe to be yours and anyone getting in your way had best beware. You will not hesitate to play foul in love!